Best dessert in Kuching @ Gulary Ice Dessert

If you are searching for best dessert in Kuching then Gulary Ice Dessert is place you must visit. They serve variety of ice cream, fruits dessert, rojak and much more.

Gulary Ice Dessert

They are located in Laksa House Kuching at Jalan Pending. Below are some details and location. You can contact them for any inquiries.

Gulary Ice Dessert is a perfect place to hang out with friends and with each menu is as low as RM 5. You will be satisfied with this amazing dessert.

One of Catcityrides personal favorites dessert is ice mango. It is just perfect.

They also have another location which is at Mr.Talam in Batu Kawa. Be sure to check out Gulary Ice Dessert facebook page here to see more mouth watering dessert.

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